Process Global.Database.Service.Recovery finished with code 3456871.
Database recovery: 100%
Blocks added: 4645
Compare results:
    Difference at blocks with same timestamp
    Difference in event records
Database update status: done
Process complete.

Starting process Global.Database.Operations.Long.WatchUpdate.. Ok

Process Global.Web.Verifier.Compatibility.Check finished with code 225807.
Browser compatibility check results:
    Internet Explorer 7+ - Ok
    Internet Explorer 6  - No PNG transparency
    Internet Explorer 5  - Lack positioning
                           No PNG transparency
    Internet Explorer 4  - No positioning
                           No borders and frames
                           Main menu alignment error
                           XML not available - download only
                           UTF-8 BOM error
                           No PNG transparency
    Opera 9.21+          - Ok
    Opera 8.00           - XML not available
    Opera 7.23           - No horizontal lines at /me.htm
                           XML not available
    Mozilla 1.7.7        - Ok (also SeaMonkey 1) 
    Firefox     - Ok (also SeaMonkey 2) 
    Chromium based       - Ok
    Lynx 2.8.2           - Fine too
Check status: done
Process complete.

Starting process Global.Web.Verifier.Compatibility.Mid.WatchUpdate.. Ok

System interactive...
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